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Малчдын нийгэм, эдийн засгийн судалгааны материалууд
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Хамтарсан судалгаа
Аялал, хэлэлцүүлэг, хурал зөвлөгөөн зохион байгуулах
Экстеиншиний үйлчилгээ
Мэргэжлийн зөвлөлгөө өгөх
Мэдээллийн сан
Судалгааны материалууд
Малчдын нийгэм, эдийн засгийн судалгааны материалууд
Судалгааны тайлангууд
Эрдэм шинжилгээний өгүүлэл
Нэр томьёо
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Мэдээ мэдээлэл
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Видео мэдээ
Бодлогын санал
Малчдын нийгэм, эдийн засгийн судалгааны материалууд
1. D.6. Administration-D.6. Pradeep Itty Socioeconomic Study Pertinent Questions
2. AAA.1 Background Chapter1
3. AA.1. Content of AA.1
4. AA.1. Background Chapter
5. AA. Story Line for Livelihood report
6. AA. Outline of Livelihood Study April 23
7. AA. Meeting minutes_Hansstudy team 06-08 Apr
8. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-D.1.1.2.Fernandez-GimenezandLeFebre IJSDWE
9. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-D.1.1.2.Andi Luescherr Technical Studies D
10. plugin-D.1.1.2.Andi Luescher Report GG09_MARCH_03_r
11. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-D.1.1.2.Andi Luescher Pasture Health Monit
12. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-D.1.1.2.And Luescher Technical StudiesGG09
13. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-D.1.1.2.And Luescher Rangeland Health Mon
14. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-Bayan-OvooKhalhgol
15. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-D.1.1.2. Pasture monitoring by NOAA NDVI last
16. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-D.1.1.2. Pasture monitoring by NOAA NDVI 20090326
17. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-D.1.1.2. DG_Paper_Pastoral_Territories
18. D.1.1.1. Classification of land resources-plugin-D.1.1.1.Land Resources and Their Managemen
19. D.1.1.1. Classification of land resources-plugin-D.1.1.1.gazriin hariltsaanii tailan_suuliin_20
20. D.1.1.1. Classification of land resources-Z. Welcome to the Basecamp MSRM Research
21. D.1.1 Meteorology-D.6. Welcome to the Basecamp MSRM Research
22. D. BASELINE DOCUMENTS-Z. message folder categories
23. AOld.6. Section Six-Z. message folder categories
24. AOld.5. Institutions and Policy (Erdenechuluun)-AOld.5. legal report MSU.MON
25. AOld.5. Institutions and Policy (Erdenechuluun)-AOld.5. legal 16.03.09.ENG
26. AOld.5. Institutions and Policy (Erdenechuluun)-AOld.5. 090326_Institutions Impact reportENG
27. AOld.5. Institutions and Policy (Erdenechuluun)-AOld.5. 090318_institutions reportMNG
28. AOld.5. Institutions and Policy (Erdenechuluun)-AOld.5. 090318_institutions reportENG
29. AOld.4. Social (resp. Batbuyan)-AOld.4. Social service_mon version from Feb22
30. AOld.4. Social (resp. Batbuyan)-AOld.4. Social service in rural are_eng190309
31. AOld.3. Economy (resp. Purev)-AOld.3. economic potential last.ENG
32. AOld.3. Economy (resp. Purev)-AOld.3. Econimic potential.MON
33. AOld.2. Environment and Ecology (resp. Olonbayar)-AOld.2. ecology Hypothesis2ENG
34. AOld.1. Section One-Z. message folder categories
35. AOld. DRAFT OF REPORT-Z. message folder categories
36. AOld. DRAFT OF REPORT-AOld. 090402 Assessment of Herder Livelihood Strategies in M
37. AA.10. Implications for GG2 (resp.Olonbayar)-AA.10. Content of AA.10
38. AA.10. Implications for GG2 (resp.Olonbayar)-AA.10. Content of AA.10
39. AA.9. Other Steering Mechanisms (resp.Ganbat)-AAA.9 Other steering mechanisms
40. AA.9. Other Steering Mechanisms (resp.Ganbat)-AA.9. Other Sterering Mechanisms
41. AA.9. Other Steering Mechanisms (resp.Ganbat)-AAA.9. Content of AA.9
42. AA.8. Improve Productivity & Value Chains-AAA.8 Value chain opportunuty
43. AA.8. Improve Productivity & Value Chains-AA.8. Content of AA.8
44. AA.7. Role of Central Gvt and Gvt Services (Chant-AAA.7 Government strategic leadership
45. AA.7. Role of Central Gvt and Gvt Services (Chant-AA.7. Content of AA.7
46. AA.7. Role of Central Gvt and Gvt Services (Chant-AA.7. Content of AA.7
47. AA.6. Legal status of PUGs and other legal issues-AAA.6 PUG legal status ENG
48. AA.6. Legal status of PUGs and other legal issues-AA.6. Outline of Legal Environment
49. AA.5. Institutional Framework for Sustainable PM-AAA.5 Institution Herder Organization
50. AA.5. Institutional Framework for Sustainable PM-AA.5. The institutional framework.chapter5
51. AA.5. Institutional Framework for Sustainable PM-AA.5. Content of AA.5
52. AAA.4 Technical Solutions for Sustainable Pasture Management
53. AA.4. Technical Solutions for Sustainable Pasture Management
54. AAA.3 Behavior of herders
55. AA.3. Individual and Group Behavior of Herders
56. AA.3. Content of AA.3
57. AAA.2 Pasture Health and DesertificationENG
58. AA.2. Pasture Health and Desertification.chapterAA2
59. AA.2. Content of AA.2
60. D.6. Administration-D.6. minutes of 1st study group meetingENGL
61. D.8. Sounds-Z. Welcome to the Basecamp MSRM Research
62. D.5. Additional Resource Materials-Z. Welcome to the Basecamp MSRM Research
63. D.4.3. Policy and legal framework-plugin-D.4.3.mdc-2021uix
64. D.4.3. Policy and legal framework-plugin-D.4.3.Gorverment program 2008-2012
65. D.4.3. Policy and legal framework-plugin-D.4.3.Education Master plan 2007-2020 book
66. D.4.3. Policy and legal framework-plugin-D.4.3.dech_Fernandez-GimenezBatbuyan
67. D.4.3. Policy and legal framework-plugin-D.4.3. Health Master Plan 2006-2015
68. D.4.3. Policy and legal framework-D.4.3. TokyoUni3.21.08
69. D.4.2. Government coordination institution-D.4.2. Welcome to the Basecamp MSRM Research
70. D.4.1. Herder groups and institutions-Z. Welcome to the Basecamp MSRM Research
71. D.4. Institutions, Policy and Legislation-Z. Welcome to the Basecamp MSRM Research
72. D.4. Institutions, Policy and Legislation-D.4. Dr. Bharat’s evaluation ENG
73. D.3.2. Social services in rural areas-D.3.2. State services for HHs and livestock sector in Mongol
74. D.3.2. Social services in rural areas-D.3.2. REPORT-2008-final-zasvar
75. D.3.1. Household structure-Z. Welcome to the Basecamp MSRM Research
76. D.2.2. Macro-economy-D.2.2. WorldBankMongolia draft Interim Strategy Note March 2
77. D.2.1. Micro-economy-plugin-plugin-D.2.1.Herders_livestock more 200 head
78. D.2.1. Micro-economy-plugin-D.2.1.Herders_livestock more 500 head
79. D.2.1. Micro-economy-Z. Welcome to the Basecamp MSRM Research
80. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-ergeneg gobi I line 25-50
81. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-ErdenedalaiBayan-Unjuul
82. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-D.2.Poverty Assessment_Mongolia (3)
83. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-D.2.Poverty Assessment_Mongolia (2)
84. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-D.2.Poverty Assessment_Mongolia (1)
85. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-D.2.Mon statistic1990-2007
86. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-D.2.MFGhumanecol02
87. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-D.2.LivestockDevelopmentPotentialsInCityDistricts
88. D.1.1.2. Pastureland-plugin-D.2.livestock production and poverty allev
89. D.6. Administration-D.6. message folder categories
90.D.6. Administration-D.6. HerderStudy Extracts interaction SDC HQ, SCO
91. D.6. Administration-D.6. GreenGold_terminal_report 04to08 _final090324
92. D.6. Administration-D.6. Draft Methedology by Purev
93. D.6. Administration-D.6. Dear all
94. D.6. Administration-D.6. Binswanger Mission Inception report 090406
95. D.6. Administration-D.6. Binswanger Briefing Notes by MDubach 090406
96. D.6. Administration-D.6. 090105_Minutes of SE Research Team
97. D.1. Environment and ecology-plugin-D.1.Non-equilibrium model.Maria
98. D.1. Environment and ecology-plugin-D.1.Mon-Crty-Environment
99. D.1. Environment and ecology-plugin-D.1.gefivp12
100. D.1. Environment and ecologyplugin-D.1.Folke
101. D.1. Environment and ecology-plugin-D.1.Ecosystem services-UK-2007
102. D.1. Environment and ecology-plugin-D.1.dech_Mearns
103. D.1. Environment and ecology-plugin-D.1.CBNRM promise
104. D.1. Environment and ecology-D.1. revision_mobility_070507
105. D.1. Environment and ecology-D.1. Mongolia-Mission Ankers-Schneider-10-11-2005-Livestock
106. D.1. Environment and ecology-D.1. Equilibrium and non-equillibrum model.mol
107. B. ANNEXES TO MAIN DOCUMENT-B. Organigrams of MFALI in Mongolian
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