How we work

Tours and conferences

Tours, study tours – Our society organizes field study tours for national and international researchers, experts, students and school children interested to research, familiarize and learn about pasture and pasture states in Mongolia. The society organized a tour for participants of the  world conference on pasture issues in 2008. The tour involved 121 representatives from 20 countries who traveled to Ihtamir soum of Arhangai aimag and exposed to the current status of pasture studies in Mongolia. The tour also enabled the participants  to learn about nomadic culture and civilization.

Debates, discussions- Whether any action leads to results is exclusively determined by how well it is planned and how much it reflects people’s voices. Human beings observed quite a time ago that planning of actions leads to results when it is based on participation of both implementers and beneficiaries of actions. Nowadays, the efforts are being made to turn this observation into reality.  The most common method to ensure participation is debates and discussions. Our society has been participating in drafting law on pasture law and organizing regional debates and discussions all across the country to reflect all stakeholders voices in the draft law. Also, our society has successfully held a number of discussions in which stakeholder organizations and people shared their views and suggestions about strengthening a national pasture monitoring system, developing a standard methodology, revising the curriculum of universities which train specialists in natural resource management and marketing the meat of national animal breeds.

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